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Red por un modelo público de agua / Reclaiming Public Water Network
  ’Declaración Complementaria’ / ’Complementary Declaration’ (Uruguay, Bolivia, Cuba, Venezuela)

Dear friends,

as you may remember, during the last World Water Forum (March 2006, Mexico City), four progressive Latin American governments issued a ’Complementary Declaration’. The four governments (Uruguay, Bolivia, Cuba and Venezuela) insisted on the recognition of the human right to water, water to be exempted from free agreements and the World Water Forum to be replaced by a more legitimate and inclusive UN process.

Our friends from Red Vida have informed us that the government of Uruguay has now taken the initiative to develop a broader challenge to the Ministerial Declaration of the World Water Forum that will take place in Istanbul less than one month from now (March 16-22). Below the draft text of this counter-declaration, which is based on the one presented at the previous World Water Forum, but with two important new points added : emphasizing the importance of citizen’s participation and of public-public cooperation. This reflects the close cooperation between the Uruguayan government and the water movements of Latin America.

During a meeting of water activists here in Brussels, it was agreed to use the ’Complementary Declaration’ very prominently in our campaigning in the run-up to Istanbul. It can be used to put pressure on other governments to endorse key demands, it is useful for media outreach (highlighting the political battle ahead in Istanbul), etc.

Adriana Marquisio (FFOSE, Uruguay) also informed us that the Uruguayan government will organise a side-event during the World Water Forum to protest against the flawed preparatory process that took place in Latin America (dominated by the Global Water Partnership, whereas governments were sidelined). The Uruguayan government invites progressive civil society groups to joint this event.

In solidarity,

Olivier Hoedeman
Corporrate Europe Observatory


We, the Ministers or our representatives herein signing, declare the allowing before the participants of this Forum, the international community and the peoples of the world :

Access to water with quality, quantity and equity and access to sanitation services, constitute fundamental human rights. The States, with the participation of the communities, must carry out efforts at every level to guarantee this right for their peoples. Therefore, we agree to continue to make every effort within the framework of the United Nations Commission on Sustainable Development and other international forums to recognize and ensure this right is made effective.

We manifest our profound concern about the possible negative impact that any international instrument, such as the Free Trade and Investment Treaties, could have on water resources. We reaffirm the sovereign right of the peoples to exclude water, in all its uses and services, from commercial agreements.

We reiterate the call on all governments and peoples to convene the upcoming VI World Water Forum in the framework of the international multilateral system, based on the principles of full participation and inclusion.

States will place priority on the use of water and water supply for their populations.

We exhort the international community to meet the commitments, repeatedly made, to support efforts made by countries to ensure access to water and sanitation services, promoting agreements and public-public cooperation.

We will promote the declaration of the public dominion of water in every arena.

We ratify what is expressed in “Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States,” approved by the United Nations General Assembly December 12, 1974, which establishes : “Every State has and shall exercise full permanent sovereignty, including possession, use and disposal, over all its wealth, natural resources and economic activities,” adding that “In the exploitation of natural resources shared by two or more countries, each State must co-operate on the basis of a system of information and prior consultation in order to achieve optimum use of the resources without causing damage to the legitimate interest of others.”

Those using the service and civil society will participate in all water planning, management and control bodies.

The states and communities will promote public-public cooperation processes to make possible participation and exchange, excluding any profit.


Los Ministros o sus representantes abajo firmantes, declaramos ante los participantes de este Foro, ante la comunidad internacional y ante los pueblos del mundo, lo siguiente :

El acceso al agua en calidad, cantidad y equidad, y el acceso al saneamiento, constituyen derechos humanos fundamentales. Los Estados, con la participación de las comunidades, deben realizar esfuerzos en todos los niveles para hacer efectivo este derecho para sus pueblos. Así, acordamos continuar realizando todas las gestiones en el marco de la Comisión de Desarrollo Sostenible de las Naciones Unidas y otros foros internacionales dentro de sus competencias, para reconocer y efectivizar este derecho.

Manifestamos la profunda preocupación sobre los posibles impactos negativos que cualquier instrumento internacional, como los Tratados de Libre Comercio e Inversiones pueden tener sobre los recursos hídricos. Reafirmamos el derecho soberano de los pueblos a excluir el agua, en todos sus usos y servicios, de los acuerdos comerciales.

Reiteramos el llamado a todos los Gobiernos y los pueblos a convocar al próximo VI Foro Mundial del Agua en el marco del sistema multilateral internacional, sobre los principios de plena partición e inclusión.

Los estados priorizarán en el uso del agua, al abastecimiento a las poblaciones.

Exhortamos a la comunidad internacional a cumplir los compromisos, reiteradamente asumidos, para respaldar los esfuerzos que hacen los países con el fin de asegurar el acceso al agua y al saneamiento, promoviendo los acuerdos y cooperaciones público - público.

Promoveremos en todos los ámbitos, la declaración del dominio público del agua.

"Ratificamos lo expresado en la "Carta de Derechos y Deberes de los Estados", aprobada por la Asamblea General de Naciones Unidas, el 12 de diciembre de 1974, que establece que "Todo Estado tiene y ejerce libremente soberanía plena y permanente, incluso posesión, uso y disposición, sobre toda su riqueza, recursos naturales y actividades económicas", agregando, que "En la explotación de los recursos naturales compartidos entre dos o más países, cada Estado debe cooperar sobre la base de un sistema de información y consulta previa con el objeto de obtener una óptima utilización de los mismos que no cause daños a los legítimos intereses de los otros.

Los usuarios y la sociedad civil, participarán en todas las instancias de planificación, gestión y control de los recursos hídricos.

Los Estados y las comunidades promoverán procesos de cooperación público - público para hacer posible la participación e intercambio, excluyéndose el fin de lucro.

- Más información : Declaracion-Foro Nacional de Agua preparatorio de Estambul 2009

Enlazando Alternativas | Red Birregional UE - ALC | 2007
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